KWL Charts: A Simple Tool for Big Learning Gains
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KWL Charts: A Simple Tool for Big Learning Gains

Gone are the days when extra cramming was enough to ace a test. Teachers nowadays know that real, long-lasting learning occurs when students interact with the subject matter. Many strategies exist to entice engagement and connection to their learning for students. However, exceptionally few learning tools can be as relevant and convenient as a KWL chart. This simple graphic organizer serves as a good exercise to empower students to take responsibility for their learning and help teachers design their most engaging lessons that enable long-term retention of the lessons.

Below are discussed the benefits of KWL charts and all the ways to use them in the classroom.

What is a KWL chart?

A KWL chart is an organizational tool for teachers and students to direct and facilitate learning in the classroom. K-W-L is an acronym meaning “Know,” “Want to Know,” and “Learned.” The chart K-W-L contains three columns, one for each letter, under which students record:

  • What understanding they have of the topic
  • What they want to know (or questions they have) on the set topic
  • What they’ve learned (after the lesson or assignment)

KWL charts effectively motivate students to learn and reminisce about their knowledge while comparing their learning progress over such levels. KWL charts usually aid students in improving reading comprehension, but they can be used for any other topic or lesson.

Why KWL charts?

KWL Charts are very simple yet one of the most interesting tools that proffer value to teaching and learning. Using KWL Charts, a student can organize his learning and visualize any learned information during a period. Of course, such a chart could be activated even while teaching the material’s content; it would require students to become more involved in the material and thus lead to a more profound experience of – and retention by – the students.


  • Easy and simple: easy to implement and can be applied to all grade levels and subjects.
  • No missing knowledge gaps: They tell us what students already know, what they want to know, and where they need much more assistance; teachers can formulate their teaching accordingly.
  • Increases motivation and engagement: Having the students state their learning goals and track their progress with the help of KWL charts means keeping them truly interested in the material.
  • Precise arrangement of information: Notetaking is complemented by charts, which create a language of understanding for complex lessons.
  • Adaptability and flexibility: Whether one is involved in group work, individual activity, or varying learning requirements, KWL charts can be customized to meet different contexts.

KWL charts create a roadmap of what students know, want to know, and have learned, positively impacting the teacher’s exact knowledge of student needs while motivating the students to own their learning and improving the outcome for all involved.

How to use the KWL chart?

The KWL chart is a simple yet valuable tool for realizing classroom learning. The following steps will help you in using a KWL chart effectively:

Set up the chart: Make three columns with headings: K: What I Know, W: What I Want to Know, and L: What I Learned.

Column 1 – Know:

Students would describe everything they knew about a topic using group discussion, individual notes, or a projector-shared chart. Teachers can then elicit possible misconceptions or gauge prior knowledge to shape the lesson.

Column 2 – Want to Know:

You could invite the students to consider all the questions they might have about what they might learn.

This might be a prompt to “Who, What, When, Where, Why, or even How” sparks your thinking. You could find the answers to these questions to guide lesson planning and continue student engagement.

Column 3 – Learned:

Students should include things they learned during or after the lesson. Check off questions answered, and note surprising or interesting points. This reinforces understanding and allows teachers to track progress. KWL charts are about interactive lessons, organizing students’ thoughts, and promoting personalized outcomes.

Needless to say,KWL charts constitute an exemplary educational means to keep the students engaged through a reflective journey in the learning process. These charts would take students through an initial mapping of the knowledge they already possess, what they are curious to learn, and lastly, how much they have achieved concerning what they wanted to know; thus, this will create active involvement and develop critical thinking in students. They are helpful for almost any subject and student, making them a crucial resource for the classroom. KWL charts in schools add deeper engagement with the material and academic curiosity and encourage ownership of learning in students.

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