Tag: Teachers in India

Role of Principal in Guiding Effective Curriculum Design and Implementation

Role of Principal in Guiding Effective Curriculum Design and Implementation

A well-designed and effectively implemented curriculum is the cornerstone of a successful school. Principals play a pivotal role in ensuring that their schools have a robust curriculum that meets the needs of all students. Here’s how principals can guide in effective curriculum design and implementation: 1. Visionary Leadership: Empowering Themselves:[Read More…]

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National Education Day

Everything You Must Know About National Education Day

National Education Day, celebrated on November 11, honors Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s contributions to India’s educational system and highlights the role that education plays in the country’s development. National Education Day: Historical Background and Significance India commemorates National Education Day on November 11 each year to mark the birth of[Read More…]

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