Principals Do Matter: A Webinar on Educating for Global Success
Events & Webinars, The WISE Chancellor

Principals Do Matter: A Webinar on Educating for Global Success

Edumate TV recently hosted another bi-weekly, thought-provoking webinar titled ‘Principals Do Matter,’ a platform that brought together a panel of esteemed educators and experts. The webinar’s central theme was the ‘Importance of Preparing Students for Joining the Global Workforce,’ a topic of significant relevance in the context of India’s education system and its global aspirations.

The session featured a distinguished panel of speakers, each a leader in their respective fields: Subhakar Alapati, Founder and director of Global Tree; Anita Gupta, Principal of Raman Manjul Vidya Mandir School; Jyoti Sharma, Principal of Greenwoods Public School; Krishna Mishra, Founder Principal of SRS International School; Meeta Bhandula, Principal, Jaypee School, Trilok Singh Bisht, Principal, Brahm Dutt Blue Bells Public School and Rishi Pal Chauhan, Founder, Principal and Managing Director, Jiva Group. The webinar was moderated by Chetan Sharma, Founder, Edumate TV.


Chetan Sharma kicked off the discussion by highlighting the need for India to address its demographic dividend and fulfill its responsibility of providing education that prepares students for the global workforce. He emphasized that educators, who are responsible for imparting knowledge and skills; job creators, who can provide opportunities for practical application of learning; and policymakers, who can shape the education system, are the three key stakeholders who hold the power to fill this gap.He also underlined that Indian students must be prepared to be self-sufficient, take control of their education, and be exposed to many cultures and work contexts.

Echoing his statement, Jyoti Sharma, Principal of Greenwood Public School, said, “Communication skills, collaboration, and character development are essential for success in the global workforce. We must instill these skills from a young age and create a culture of teamwork and mutual respect among students.”

Moving forward, Dr. Trilok Singh Bist, Principal of Brahm Dutt Blue Bells Public School, added, “I believe that hybrid learning systems and flexible education structures can help bridge the gap between Indian education and global standards. We must be open to new ideas and willing to adapt our approach to stay relevant.”

Meeta Bhandula, Principal of Jaypee Public School, emphasized the importance of exposure to different cultures. “We need to provide our students with opportunities to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, which will help them develop a broader perspective and better equip them for the global workforce.”

Agreeing with Meeta, Anita Gupta, Principal of Raman Manjul Vidya Mandir School, discussed the importance of change and adaptability in education. She emphasized that change is a constant that educators must acknowledge and transfer to their students. Educators must be aware of changes and adapt to new opportunities to stay ahead. The job market is constantly changing, and today’s jobs may not exist in the coming decade due to advancements in AI and other technologies. Anita also highlighted the importance of sustainability and adapting to change, which requires transferring knowledge and information in a restricted manner.

Chetan Sharma also underlined the difference between information and knowledge, arguing that “information is available, but knowledge is not. We need to differentiate between the two.” In response, SRS International School founder and Principal Krishna Mishra said, “We must understand the value of change and grab your chances,” emphasizing the significance of flexibility in today’s quickly evolving world.

Krishna Mishra also discussed it is crucial to introduce STEM education early, stating that “education for AI in STEM should start from the foundational year, even from nursery.” She also spoke about his school’s approach to online classes and cultural exchange programs, which allow students to learn from each other and develop a global perspective.

The last speaker, Rishi Pal Chauhan, Founder, Principal, and Managing Director of Jiva, while discussing his venture, which aims to nurture children’s growth and development by fostering self-awareness, self-mastery, and social empathy, emphasized that every child is unique, like a different seed.

He also touched upon preserving Indian culture and values in a globalized world; he believes that India has a lot to offer globally and that students should be taught to be brand ambassadors of India, sharing their culture with others.

Chetan concluded the discussion by stating, “We believe that principals do matter in education. It’s time for us to rethink our approach and prioritize preparing our students for a rapidly changing world.” He also added that organizations like Global Tree are pivotal in this transformation. With its mottos “Guiding your journey from roots to reality” and “Empowering Minds, Enriching Futures,” Global Tree is highly dedicated to prepare students for a successful future.

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