With AI gaining traction in education, an increasing number of institutions worldwide are creating roadmaps to implement AI in education. Institutes have begun using AI to assist personalized learning, increase productivity, and relieve teachers’ burdens. However, as AI starts integrating various parts of the learning and teaching processes, various misconceptions[Read More…]
Technology in Education
Homeschooling Myths Debunked: Everything You Need to Know
In recent years, the pandemic has accelerated the growing popularity of online learning and other innovative learning methods; homeschooling is one of them. Homeschooling is becoming an increasingly popular educational choice worldwide, including India. Homeschooling has developed as a critical method in response to the educational gap produced by the[Read More…]
Ethical Considerations and Challenges in AI-Driven Education You Must Know
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing nearly every other sector. Education is not uncommon. The integration of AI in education promises a more personalized, streamlined, and improved experience in learning and administration and better outcomes for education. Therein lies the promise of a bright and promising future in education, which also[Read More…]